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Healthcare Cost Projections 2009

Health-Care Cost Projections for Diabetes and other Chronic Diseases: The Current Context and Potential Enhancements by Michael J. O'Grady, Ph.D. and James C. Capretta, M.A.


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Prospects for Prosperity 2008:

Rwanda and the Entrepreneurial Society 

Upon first examination, Rwanda does not seem an ideal place for business investment and development. However, it has emerged in the past several years as a beacon of investment opportunity. This report explores the reason American investors and businesses would want to take a chance on Rwanda.


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Rebuilding Rwanda 2008: From Genocide to Prosperity through Education

Rwanda is on the verge of a breakthrough. Having weathered one of the worst humanitarian crises imaginable just fifteen years ago, and with an impoverished countryside plagued by HIV/AIDS, hunger, and malaria, Rwanda seems an unlikely place for an economic renaissance. Yet the nation's commitment to good government and support for free market solutions place it as among the most likely countries to see rapid advancement in the coming decades. Such a future is far from guaranteed, and whether it comes to fruition depends largely on the country's system of education.


This report presents a thorough background on Rwanda's education system, catalogues the most up-to-date educational statistics available for Rwanda, discusses the current efforts underway to transform Rwanda through education, and suggests effective means of getting involved.


Thanks to progress made from 2000, 10.6 million lives have been saved from malaria. But 800 children still die from malaria every day. You can help be part of the effort to end malaria deaths.  Go to:

Gracias a los progresos realizados entre 2001 y 2020, se han salvado 10.6 millones de vidas de la malaria. Pero aún mueren 800 niños de malaria cada día. Usted puede colaborar con la iniciativa para acabar con las muertes por malaria. Visite:

Washington, DC 20036


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